I am a freelance journalist, documentarist and communications specialist, utilizing the power of storytelling, photography, and video as tools to design comunication strategies and to make complex information accessible and engaging to a range of audience.  

My work focuses on amplifying the voices of underprivileged individuals and marginalized communities, delving into themes such as migration, intersectionality, climate change, and human rights with a gender perspective.

My expertise in human rights and migration issues is rooted in my experience as an operator in the local and international cooperation realm. I dedicated five years to Amnesty International where I honed my skills and deepened my understanding of human rights.

I've also collaborated with numerous non-governmental organizations in Latin America, investigating the impacts of economic and environmental conflicts on the lives of local populations and indigenous peoples.

In recent years, I have reported from Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guatemala, Mexico, and Italy.

My work has been published in both Italian and international media, including El País, Internazionale, Sky, Il Manifesto, Repubblica, among others. I collaborated with national and International NGO and Institutions, such as Amnesty International, Fridays for Future, GIZ, Action against Hunger, Italian Ministry of Culture among others.
I was awarded the Mimmo Cándito per un Giornalismo a Testa Alta prize 2020 and my documentaries have been screened at several Festivals all over the world, including the UN-IOM Global Migration Film Festival.

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