"El sueño americano en casa" is a collaborative storytelling initiative with the Spanish Ong Action Against Hunger, aimed at documenting the positive outcomes of circular labor migration between Guatemala and the United States and Canada.
Through a blend of visual media (photography and video) and biographical narratives, I've portrayed the journeys of Roselia, Juan, Vilma, Glenda, and Arnoldo—five individuals from Sumpango and Santiago Sacatépequez who engaged in temporary and regular migration to North America.
The project's primary objective is to underscore the political and moral significance of granting visas to Central American economic migrants. Specifically, it sheds light on the transformative impact of remittances in Guatemala, facilitated through legal migration channels.
In these narratives, the visa emerges as a symbol of hope, enabling the protagonists to navigate their journeys safely and prosperously. With temporary visas, they bypass perilous routes, avoid exploitation by smugglers, and achieve financial stability without risking their lives.
These stories challenge the conventional notion of the American Dream, showing that it's not necessarily found in North America. While economic challenges may prompt individuals to seek opportunities abroad, their ultimate aspiration is to work internationally while keeping ties to their homeland. Consequently, the dream takes root and flourishes within their own homes, embodying a profound desire for stability and prosperity within Guatemala.
Take a look at some of my pictures of Roselia, who used her remittances to support her farming family and purchase a small plot of land where she plans to open her own sewing shop.
Take a look at some of my pictures of Roselia, who used her remittances to support her farming family and purchase a small plot of land where she plans to open her own sewing shop.

Watch the video story of Arnoldo, who used his remittances to purchase a blackberry farm, providing employment opportunities for members of his community in Aldea El Rejon, Sumpango, Guatemala.