"Somos - historias de personas y caravanas centroamericanas" is a 3-episode-series that tells the story of people migrating from Central America to the United States during the 2018 caravans.
Around 10,000 people from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala joined forces between October and November of that year, aiming to escape drug traffickers and Mexican border police during their travel to The US.
Around 10,000 people from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala joined forces between October and November of that year, aiming to escape drug traffickers and Mexican border police during their travel to The US.
The "Somos" series highlights the motivations and aspirations of individuals and families willing to build a better life and face the challenges posed by Donald Trump's border wall. The series aired on Sky TV.
Written and directed: Simona Carnino
Videmoamking: Diego Díaz Morales
Photo: Simona Carnino
Eduardo's story of escaping violence targeting LGBTIQ* individuals in Salvador.
Esmeralda's and her family story of escaping blackmail in Salvador
Teresas's story of heading to the US to reunite with her children there.